x Stand Up 4 Democracy Working Group Idea

We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both! 
- Justice Louis Brandeis

Become part of a growing and dedicated group of progressive activists (hopefully 300 or more) in your Congressional Districts and work to fix the system and hold our national and state representatives responsible for their political actions. 
Click HERE for a list of districts by number and state.

We need a Stand Up 4 Democracy Working Group (or whatever you want to call it) in each of our 435 Congressional Districts. The main goal is to repair and/or improve our broken representative democracy so it works for We the People not just the wealthy, corporate elite.

This Working Group can educate voters and lobby elected officials in their congressional district about changes to our political system that are necessary to keep the public informed, involved and voting in our democratic process. Such a group can also provide ways for citizen to take action on issues of concern.

Although the group is organized through the national congressional districts, each person needs to also connect with and lobby their US Senators as well as state and local leaders for effective representative government.

Here are some organizational suggestions about this idea:

1. Each local group could start a blogspot or wordpress website with information about the local activities. (meetings info, local people involved, events calendar, etc.)
2. Have a short statement about your goal and list 2-5 objectives you would like to achieve over time.
3. Working groups might meet each month (or 6 times a year, or 4, or 3) in person or online to discuss their work.
4. Each group member should be involving in growing the number of people in the group and for their email list.
5. Although the main focus is on effective, efficient, and transparent government; the group and individuals within the group should let all 5 of their elected officials know how they feel about any issues of concern.
6. The book '10 Steps to Repair American Democracy' by Steven Hill is great resource for this group. See page 15 for more on the book.